Our scope covers all types and levels of risks ranging from Marine & aviation to general insurance. At PeakThust, we believe in a level of service that can only be achieved by deeply understanding your needs, and suggesting solutions based on your unique needs.
- Refineries
- Petrochemical Plants
- Pumping and Metering Stations
- Gas Plants and Compressors
- Gas Turbine
- Storage Depots/Tank farms
- Transportation/Pipelines
- Hull
- Cargo
- Protection and Indemnity
- Freight
- Platforms, Oil Rigs
- Mobile Drilling Barges
- Vessel/Craft
- Control of Wells/Workover
- Redrilling
- Seepage and Pollution
- Terrorist Attack
- Abandonment/Restoration
- Individual Life Assurance
- Group Life
- Engineering/CAR
- Bond and Finance Guarantee
- All Risks
- Money Insurance
- Fire and Allied Perils
- Group Personal Accident
- Goods-in-Transit
- MotorVehicle
- Professional Indemnity
- Workmen’s Compensation
- Personal Accident
- Burglary and House Breaking
- Crop Insurance
- Poultry Insurance
- Livestock Insurance
- Drones Insurance